Monday, May 24, 2010
One of the locals!
Friday, May 7, 2010
I forgot to say ........
Thursday, May 6, 2010
A Finish
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Some Sad News
My Mother in Law was killed in a car accident in Perth on March 24. To say we were shocked is putting it mildly as she doesn't even drive. We are still numb, particularly DH - he is coping but I think it has not really sunk in yet. We had a rush trip back to Perth (for those that don't know it is on the other side of the country from us - so a 4hr flight). He went a day earlier and dealt with everything he needed to.
RIP Nanna Margs
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Happy New Year - and it's going to be a biggie!!
I have soooo much to tell...............
First off some very sad news. Some of you may remember Psycho Duck. She was the victim of a fox attack a couple of weeks ago - we were all heartbroken. We will get another couple of ducks at some stage though, and I think one will have to be named Psycho Too (as opposed to Two). She was so tame and such a character - we miss her greatly.
Cramar (our Pointer pup) is growing like a little weed. He and Leeroy are now great mates. I will try and take a pic soon.
We have a new addition. Jaffa the kitten. She is a tortoiseshell and while Calico tolerates her (just) I don't think they will ever become good mates lol.
The kids are away in Canberra for a month - they get back January 16 - so it is very very very quiet around here. We miss them to bits.
Umm, what else. Oh yes ........ we have put the house on the market and have put an offer in on 205 acres of land about 45 minutes further out. SO.... big changes are afoot. Don't ask me where we will live while the house is being built - I have absolutely no idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The final piece of news is that Craig and I are engaged. he took me off to a romantic B & B (country french style) on Boxing Day and we had dinner in Tanunda. When we got back to our room he made me wait outside so he could 'prepare'. I then had to keep my eyes closed while he led me into the room and sat me down. He has candles everywhere, roses from our garden and was down on one knee.
Well, he is back with dinner (fish and chips - yum) so I will have to add more later!!!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Where do the days go!!

In other news, we bought a new car a couple of weeks ago - well it's 2nd hand, but new to us lol. Although I've been telling people we gave my little Holden Viva some growth hormones to turn it into a Commodore lol. I must admit it has been nice having a bit more room dividing the ferals in the back seat lol. Not a good pic but enough to get the idea

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Some piccies
I also have a pic of my current WIP. A Messerschmitt from A & L Designs' Sky Ace Series. I stitched a Lancaster bomber for DS a while ago, but this one is for DH. It is stitching up quite quickly and thank goodness is smaller than the bomber. You can see the bomber in my webshots album here
I thought I'd leave you with some pics of some Aussie natives from my garden. A Kangaroo Paw, Hardenbergia (the purple one) and some Grevilleas.
Friday, August 21, 2009
I wanted to introduce you to the futre newest member of our family. We decided Leeroy needed a friend now he is alone all day. Jetset was keeping him company, but these days she spends her days talking to the gelding behind us over the back fence - tart she is lol. We pondered on what sort of dog would be best suited to keep up with an english pointer............... another one of course lol. We have already met him, he was 3 weeks old when this pic was taken (last weekend). As yet he has no name....................................
I'll leave you with a pic of another unofficial member of the family. This is the possum we have seen late at night. DH found his little hidey hole for during the day. We took a pic then left him to his napping.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
A New Blog
We had a busy day. The kids played sport this morning - DS kicking his second goal!!!! We son't talk about DD's netball team though. Some days they play great, and more often not so great. The most important thing though, is that they are learning more of the game, developing their skills, learning teamwork and having a lot of fun and healthy excercise at the same time!!!
Some lovely stitching stash in the mail during the week. besides the ATC's I have received threads, fabric and patterns - even the game of Stitchopoly!!! Spoiled or what??? :-) I must make special mention of the stash filled envelope that Margaret send me though - absolutely stunning. Pic to follow!!
I joined ATC Stitching Bloggers Birthday Exchange. These are the ones I have received so far - aren't they gorgeous?
For Janet
For Kate
Thursday, August 6, 2009
And the Winner Is..........................
Congratulations Lisa. I hope you enjoy your goodies.
I did the whole cutting up bits of paper thingy and got DH to draw the winner's name. I must be getting old, the thought of the random number generator thingy on the computer just didn't do it for me lol.
I had a great birthday, thank you for all the kind wishes :-) I have to take some piccies of birthday stash, but will not be able to do that til the weekend.
I returned to work Monday - boy is it hard. Not only learning the new parcel round, but the sheer physical effort of it - especially after the last 7 months. Blog reading is non existent, housework only minimal, and as for stitching or reading time - what is that? lol I'm sure it will settle as I learn the round and get more familiar with the whole scanning system etc. At least that's what I am telling myself!!
The tummy is still not sorted. The last little bit just will not heal. Still - it isn't oozing, it isn't filling up inside and it isn't infected. I guess that is as good as it can be for a while.
DD (11 yrs) has started her own blog - can someone please go and leave a comment? lol, poor thing is checking it constantly. She has news on our duck!!
Well, it's 5.38am, time for coffee!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Do you think I can find the leaflet? No - of course not. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr lol
I have to ask - why me??????? lol
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
PIF Update, Birthday Giveaway & Excitement!
Thank you for all the wonderful birthday wishes :-) I love reading everybodies thoughts and comments on all my posts :-)
Don't forget you have til midnight Sunday night Aussie time to get your entry in - I am having fun finding goodies to add.
While on the subject - Melinda asked how I finished Winter Violets. I painted and varnished a small paper mache box. The top is mounted on padded card, then glued to the box top. Very easy to do and so effective! I plan on doing another one but with a different finish around the box.
We have had an exciting few days. Some very good friends visited us from Canberra for a few days. We had a great time, it was so good to see them - only the 2nd time in about 6 years. I can't believe that I didn't take a single photo while they were here!!.......... next time lol
Today we have our homestay student arriving from Japan. So the next few days will be very busy. I will try and remember to take pictures lol. This is the girl that DD stayed with when she visited Japan last year. So I am anticipating a lot of giggles from them.
We had some unwelcome excitement Monday morning. DD came running in to tell us the dog was gone. DS always lets him out of his pen about 7am - so had potentially been gone well over an hour. Where we live is surrounded by large blocks of land, sheep properties, bush land and a road that has semi trailers travelling faster than they should right at the end of our gate. So we were worried. Being the doggie equivalent of a teenage male he has no sense and if he gets out he puts nose to the ground and goes............................ what else could I expect from a pointer lol. Amazingly we found him about half an hour after we discovered him missing - playing with another dog a fair way away - it was pure fluke that DH even saw him. In the time it took to turn the car around, he and his new playmate had disappeared. As soon as DH called him he came pelting up to him full speed and dived in the back seat. I was so relieved I couldn't even tell him off lol
Well, I'm off to get dressed, enough sitting round in my pj's reading blogs lol
Saturday, July 25, 2009
A Correction
So, apolgies to Daffycat, and again a thank you for such generosity in offering freebies :-)